Thursday, 23 October 2014

Caught in a frame

Every picture we take are an item in a frame.  With framing we mean making a composition of the image.  Important objects or persons, positioning.  And here follows some tips regarding this.
This will help you in the beginning to see how the image will look before you see it on the LCD screen on your camera, or on the computer when you download the picture.  The benefit, is less cut and better results. .

To make this easy I will show you an easy way to practice this.  And to do so you will only need some cardboard/hard paper , glue or tape and a white and black rope/wire. 

We will create a  small box with an opening of 24 X 36 mm (= 2/3 ratio).
This corresponds to the dimensions of a negative with the usual photo size 10x15 cm. 
It applies to any type of camera. You can use astrong cardboard.
Furthermore, some wire, black for day shots, and white for night shots.
No we have reference to the strong lines and points (see below).
Lets start.................. 

The figure shows 2 frame, with the opening 24 x 36 mm. It is very important that you cut the correct hole.  We have made 2 so we can clue them together after having made the lines with the wire/rope.   
Vertical you make a line at 9 mm from the left and at 9 mm from the right (36: 4 = 9 mm).. This is 1/4 of the length. Horizontal (24: 3 = 8 mm), you make a line at 8 mm from the right and 8 mm from the left. This is 1/3 of the lenght. That marks the wires are glued with some sticky tape or glue.
Place the 2 cardboards over each other with tape or glue. If you make one for evening/night photography and one for daylight you would not have to change the colour of the wire/rope each time, but have both ready for any time of the day.


This is now the result, and you will see the strong lines, and the strong points where the lines are crossing each other.

How to use the diagram
With one eye closed, hold this infront of you. This give the effect of a zoom lens that zooms. If you bring the window/diagram closer to the eye, you can see the image as a classic or standard lens. By using it, you can place the camera directly in the right position and immediately select the best composition.

An example will make it more clear, and is applicable to any subject or image . In this landscape, is a classic mistake. The horizon line is placed in the middle of the picture! So it do not follow the rules of the strong lines and points.

If you now are viewing the image within the frame you see what other possibilities you get!
And as you see you can also use this vertically.
 Example 1                                                          Example 2

  Example 3                                                           Example  4

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